Week 34
Another Week in G-Ville!
Monday was almost normal. All the elders met up and went bowling and then played laser tag. Lots of fun. Then we went to the Romero's for dinner.
Another Week in G-Ville!
Monday was almost normal. All the elders met up and went bowling and then played laser tag. Lots of fun. Then we went to the Romero's for dinner.
Tuesday we were able to meet with Kebyn and he talked to us about 1 Nephi 20 and 21 because he didn't quite understand them. Then he asked what an anti-christ was so we explained that. Afterwards we met with the Ortega family and their two girls wanted me to do a lot of "magic" tricks for them so I did that for a little while. Then we went over to our English class. Only two people came but it was fun. They couldn't tell the
difference between we, wheat, and weed. So we had to explain weed to them. Fun stuff.
Wednesday we were at the doctors for Elder Cuarenta and good news is he didn't tear anything. On the way back we got McDonalds, my first time on the mission, and ate at Flowery Branches cause they were on the way home. Then we went to Omars and talked with him about his baptism! He's excited for it. We mostly talked about what he needs a little work on.
Thursday we went to Roswell to get some more stuff done for my sleeping. That was good, got some stuff to help out. Then we saw Omar again and had a pretty good lesson with him. Then we went with the Buford Elders to help them out and then went to dinner with the Rodriguez family. They have some crazy kids.
Friday we had district meeting. That was really good. Some powerful experiences were shared with some great trainings. After that all the Elders went out to lunch. That was pretty good. Afterwards we had to help Flowery Branch with their bikes again. Then we went to Omar's but he wasn't home.
Saturday we visited Roberto and oh man, that was such a good lesson. He's never seen missionaries before us. We shared what we were doing, what we believe in and a couple other things with him. Then he bore testimony about God and his love for us. Then he told us about how he knew that what we were doing was Gods work. And how whenever we want his house is open to us. That was so cool. Never seen missionaries before but he knows it's TRUE. Really cool experience.
Sunday was a little sad because no one came to church. But it was also happy because I was able to understand everything again! We also helped teach a fun lesson to the young men. After church we went to get flowery branch for a temporary exchange. Then I went with Elder Wood to the Giddens house and had enchiladas. Had a pretty good lesson there. Then we went to a fireside for the missionaries in the Zone. Some of my favorite missionaries came in too! Elder Wells and Merrill.
Over all a pretty good week.! I know the church is true and I love the work here in Georgia!!!
Also my email will be changing to nathan.tolman@missionary.org
Love and miss you all! Stay safe and don't forget to have fun!
English Class shenanigans
Exchange with Timmerman
Super Bowl blanket
A guy we got soccer uniforms from
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