Week 24

6 Months on the Mission!


Alright alright alright here's my week! 

Monday was elder Collins birthday so we went down to Buford to spend the day with him. After that we went to a dinner with the Romero family and they said they'd like to have us over every Monday so that they can get more involved in missionary work and getting ti know the missionaries! That was really cool.

Tuesday I went on exchange with elder Wood in flowery branch. It was pretty good. Many people didn't want to talk to us so they looked through the windows and walked away. Bummer! But it was ok because we know why we're here! We had a lesson with one of their investigators and he had pigs!!! So we played with his pigs and gave him a lesson. He's a pretty cool guy. 

Wednesday we went to visit a referral but he wasn't home so that was a downer. But! His brother was home and he talked with us and we had a little lesson with him. That was pretty good. Right after that lesson we knocked on the door across from him and they answered and we had a lesson with them! That was it from that street though. Over all pretty good. We also talked to a Baptist lady who said California was burning because they aren't allowed to read the bible anymore. Ok then I guess. 

Thursday we had zone conference and that was AWESOME!! We had a general authority come out and talk to us and basically he just told us to not get caught up in the fine print of things. That was interesting coming from a general authority but he said to make sure you're having fun while you work so you don't get drained. That much I agree with! A lot was about getting our heads in the game because it's the last play of the last quarter. That was pretty cool to. We also went to talk with the sister of the Romero family. She was cool, wants to have the things our church has and is somewhat willing to work for it. We will see where that goes. 

Friday was lots of fun! We woke up and did our weekly planning then we had a game of flag football with some guys who play every week. They liked us and asked if we could come play with them so we are doing that. They let us share a little message with them before hand and we're hoping one of them will ask us about what we do sometime soon! That'd be way cool. But so far it's a good group of guys who likes our short messages and they like football. After that we went to visit another less active named Nefi, he's 11 and is inactive because his mom doesn't really want to go anymore. So please pray for Nefi and his mom. After we had an awesome lesson with Jorge and Machell, they're really cool. And they've loved what we've been teaching, so please pray for them as well.

Saturday the zone leaders called us to teach me how to do an area book audit. Where I go check people's records to make sure they're doing what they're supposed to and keeping in top of things. Kind of cool I guess. Then we went over to a little party we were asked to go to and that was pretty cool, we got to talk to a few people. It was Coco themed, if you haven't seen it it's an awesome movie about families and ancestors. 

Sunday I had a hard time in sacrament cause I was having a hard time understanding but that was the only down side. Everything else was really good. We dropped off a Book of Mormon to a girl and her sister and then we found a new area that we can tract! That was exciting stuff for that day! Also found a former investigator who is the stepfather of a recent convert. Cool stuff. 

That's my week! Hope everything is going well!!
- Elder Tolman

Me and Elder Wood, on exchange

Me and Elder Wood, we made these wreaths for someone, it was fun!

 A guy we met had these little pigs so I played with them.

I bought this egg nog and was pretty excited about it!

 I thought this license plate was funny

We played football with this group of guys every Friday or Saturday.


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