Week 12


Flat tire after Flat tire!

This week was really great! 

After p-day ended we had dinner with the Bishop and his family, afterwards we went to visit some of us ministering families with him, it was pretty good! 

Tuesday was honestly a little bit of a downer but that's Ok! We ended up biking a ton from appointment to appointment, most of which fell through so that stunk. But we got some good tracting in. A member was kind enough to pick us up and have us for dinner which made for a good start to the end of the day. After that we went tracting with no success. But a mostly good day overall.

Wednesday was awesome. Here's a little back story, we've been pushing (a little but of chastising) the ward to do missionary work, to get us names that we can go visit who are ready to hear our message. We've been praying a ton for that to happen and those prayers were answers today. We got a text in the morning telling us that we had a referral, not only that, but they set up an appointment for us on that day. Luckily we didn't have anything planned at the time. The only problem was that it was an hour and a half bike ride away. A member told us they could drive us which was huge. We got to their house and they told us all about themselves and their backgrounds. It was really cool to hear their testimonies of Jesus Christ. We asked them how they felt about there being another book about Jesus Christ that testifies of him and they said they believed it was entirely possible because they don't like to limit God and his power. YES!!! We left them with that and then decided to talk with our bishop about helping them with food, because they are in a tough spot right now. Their names are Jessica and James, if you could keep them in your prayers that would be amazing.

Thursday was good. We had zone conference. It was pretty good, but we mostly talked about the same stuff we did at the last one. A lot about yellow pad prayer (ask me about it if you're interested in it) and how to incorporate family history into contacting. Then after that we went biking to an old neighborhood we had tracted a while ago and we did just that. People are a lot more interested in hearing about what we have to say when it comes to their ancestors. Good day. Except that I got a flat tire and we had to walk 3 miles back home(could be worse). It was a good day though.

Friday was good. We started off by borrowing the car and going to Wal-Mart to get a new tire as well as a tire repair kit. So we got back home and replaced the tire. After that we went tracting for the rest of the day. Very uneventful sadly. Only 11 people opened their doors and all of them were not interested even a little bit. But that's ok. At least we left a good impression on them. Hopefully. 

Saturday was awesome! We got the pneumonics for D&C so I can start memorizing the doctrine for each section on that. That'll be good. After that we biked 5 miles to an apartment complex and did some tracting over there. We got 32 contacts and 8 lessons. And someone fed us lunch! So kind of them. Of those eight lessons, 4 of the people were willing to let us come back and teach them more about family history as well as share a message about the Gospel. Super super exciting. Then on the way over to another neighborhood I got ANOTHER flat tire! That wasn't too fun. We walked our bikes to the next neighborhood and started to tract a little more. We talked with this guy who was asking us all these super weird questions and he was super animated and funny. He knows a lot about what we believe in because he has family on our Church so he thought he knew a ton and tried to get us to say something wrong so he could tell us we're liars. Funny guy, he was tons of fun to talk to even though he was trying to prove us wrong haha. After talking with him we walked 4 miles back home and got back just before curfew. 

Sunday was good. We had stake conference and man, it is almost a different world in the south !  It was so different from stake conference back in Utah. I don't really know how to describe it, but it was weird. Super weird. Anyways, after stake conference we did a little tracting and nobody was home, that was kind of weird. Then we had dinner with the Herrings, super super nice family. We helped roll egg rolls and make them so it was pretty fun. They were great. Afterwards we went with brother Herring to visit his ministering families. Pretty good day. 

That's all for this week! I hope to hear back from you seeing how your week has been! 

Miss you all and hope everything is going great! 

-Elder Tolman

Martini fell asleep during studies(he hasn't since then) 


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