Week 8


Meetings, meetings, and more meetings!

Good week for the most part! 

Tuesday we walked a little bit. We mapped out a little more of the area and found someone who used to be a member. They're willing to come back to church so we'll see how that goes. We're hoping to get them back this next week. We talked to a drunk guy and he just rambled on about how we were good kids and was sorry for all the doors slammed in our faces. It was pretty funny. 

Wednesday we had interviews with President Marsh. That took a little bit but that's ok! They were good, it didn't really seem much like an interview so that was kind of nice I guess? We went to get lunch with our district at Zaxbys which is always fun. Just a little bit pricey on our budgets but that's ok! Worth it. Later in the day we had exchanges with the district leaders so I went to the Monroe area, fun times. I was with Elder Larson and Arujo. Larson is going home in two weeks. Anyways, we went tracting and taught a few lessons. We got two pretty strong potential investigators and one eh potential. We aren't sure about them yet. We got back to the apartment, ate dinner and then went to bed. Pretty decent day.

Thursday was pretty good. I only slept for about an hour and a half so I was pretty tired all day. But we taught someone who used to be a total commitment and we're trying to get them back on track for that. In the morning I went tracting with the DL's and met someone who left the church because someone said something he didn't agree with, it was pretty sad to see... We tried to help out but he didn't want to hear it. He was nice though. The rest of the day went pretty similarly, but hey, that's alright. Elder Roberts and De Farias got a new investigator in our area so thats good. Aside from that, not too much!

Friday was good. I got to see all the guys I came out from the MTC with! You know what that means.... Elder CHATMAN!!!!!! It was fun to catch up and see what he's been up to in their new area. He's  doing pretty good.  Also got to talk with ELDER wells, he's in my zone so I see him every once in a while. He's a good guy for sure. After the 4 week follow up with president Marsh we all went to Zaxbys for lunch. Good stuff. If you ever get the chance to go, get the kickin chickin extra wet. It's awesome. Then we went back home but that took just over an hour because traffic is pretty bad on the highways here. We tracted for a little while in our neighborhood and got a couple investigators and one lady who we're going to try to get to start coming to church again. Exciting stuff. That's it for Friday.

Saturday was awesome. We had the car so we could go farther out than usual which is good. We found some apartments and found three new investigators and one potential, the one potential guy is so sick, we talked for a little bit and got to know him so that could possibly get somewhere cause we have some pretty common interests. That's pretty much it, not much else happened but that's okay, good day.

Sunday was good. We had all of our meetings for church and then church. After church we had a member dinner then we went tracting. We met this guy who does a lot of race car stuff, on dirt, asphalt, drifting, etc. Apparently he's pretty well known within the community. That was pretty much it. Not too many people want to talk to us on Sundays over here.


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