Week 6
Tuesday was uneventful and slow. The Morton's came by and took our couch that ended up getting destroyed. But that part was kind of fun, we got to help with it. Me and my companion felt like we needed to start learning Spanish so we started doing that in the
mornings. Gotta love it. Enadina wasn't able to make it to church on Sunday so we decided to give her a church tour. She came and ended up liking it and said she'd come this sunday. We'll see how that goes. Then a member came and picked us up and we visited
the very far edge of our area and no one ended up being home so that was a bust. We knocked on one house and they answered and we talked with them for a little bit but nothing came from it.
Wednesday was kind of a blur. We biked 13 miles which means lots of contacts. An old couple saw us biking and gave us some water and listened to our message and then they said they loved it but they were Baptist so no thank you. Sad day. Then we tried to visit
some other investigators in the area and they weren't home so we knocked some more doors. Two people answered but they got mad at us, oh well. On the way home a lady pulled over and talked to us and said that her dad is a stake president in Florida and that
if we ever wanted to, we can stop by the IHOP nearby and she'll feed us for free. She's the GM there. Cool.
Thursday was Zone conference. It lasted for 9 hours. Pretty long day on that one. The new missionaries all got the drivers training so we can drive next transfer so that's cool. We learned a lot though, mostly about following the spirit in both finding and
teaching. Good stuff. Then we talked about yellow pad prayer and how we need to use that to our advantage. Cool stuff. Then we got back and visited a guy named Chase, he has cancer. We are gonna try to get him to sacrament.
Friday was 15 miles of biking. Contacts contacts contacts!! Two people said we could come back later and we gave them a Book of Mormon, so that was good. Then we got two more investigators from doing the BofM experiment. Good stuff. On our way to that though,
we almost got hit by a semi truck, that was sketchy. Good stuff though.
Saturday was busy busy busy! We met with the ward missionaries and talked more about needs throughout the ward and how we can help with that. Then we talked to the lady we met in the ghettos and she had just gotten back from surgery. She told us that she wanted
us to come back and teach her more. Awesome stuff. Then we went and talked with Melanie, we gave her a BofM but she hasn't been reading much so we encouraged her to do that. She loves what we've taught so far so that's good. Later that day we went tracting
again and talked to these two guys, one of them was stoned out of his mid, it was hilarious. The other guy was still there in his head and we had a good conversation and left him with a book of Mormon. As we were leaving these two guys drove by and pulled
over next to us and told us that we were doing a good work and they wanted us to come teach them. So hopefully they call us, we gave them our number. We'll see if something comes from that.
Sunday was good, we had ward council and talked about the same thing we talked with the ward missionaries about. So that ended up being pretty good. Sacrament was good, so was gospel doctrine. Then in priesthood we had it combined with everyone and we talked
about ministering. They asked us a couple questions and that was basically the end of that meeting, good stuff. Then that night a member had us over for dinner, super kind of them to do. At the end of the dinner they asked us to give blessings to their grandkids
and daughter, that was a cool experience. After the dinner we went tracting some more. We knocked on the door and this guy answered, laughed, and said, "you knocked on the right house tonight!" turns out his mom was a Jehovah's Witness. She was nice but super
defensive and basically just wanted us to leave.
There's the past week! I hope everyone is doing well! Love and miss you all!
-Elder Tolman
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